What Does it take to reach net-zero? Come to the Cape Ann Climate Coalition meeting on Thursday night to see what three different communities are doing to reach net-zero!
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuf–hqz4oHdU2TJbhR1hP7REDsgMwb9bB
Mobilizing Campaigns to Reach Net-Zero is this week on Thursday, May 12 at 7-8:30pm. Hear what three citizen activists from Cape Cod, Salem, and Rockport have to say about: how they got into climate activism; how they have mobilized others; what their areas of focus have been; how they are working with their municipality, and what they view as opportunities for regional collaboration.
The speakers are: Carol Harris, Climate Action Committee, Outer Cape Climate & Energy Committee; Patricia A. Gozemba, Co-Chair, SAFE, Salem Alliance for the Environment; and Christine Downing, Rockport Net Zero. The moderators are: Candace Wheeler, Chair of Gloucester’s Clean Energy Commission, and Valerie Nelson, both members of the Cape Ann Climate Coalition.